Dog Loves Books
Dog Loves Books
Dog Loves Books
Dog Loves Books
Dog Loves Books
Dog Loves Books

Because every book is an adventure!

Dog loves books is from the highly regarded author Louise Yates, Winner of the Roald Dahl funny prize award.

Dog loves books. He loves the smell of them. He loves the feel of them but best of all and most of all he loves the stories inside them and so does his best friend Pug. Dog loves books because every book is an adventure!

Dog Loves Books stars a sweet and funny double act of adventurers, Dog and Pug. Dog is cool and calm and unflappable. Pug is enthusiastic and practical, albeit in a slightly wonky way.

Together they are a lovable duo who like nothing better than getting into a good book. At the end of the working day, or at lunch time or just whenever they fancy a break, Dog’s bookshop closes and Dog opens a book that takes he and Pug off on an exciting adventure, which could be anywhere and with anyone. But they still get home in time for tea and dog biscuits. It’s amazing what you can learn from a book. The aim of the show is to tell great stories and encourage reading, especially amongst boys.